Bee-Kind Bee Facts

         Here at Beekind, we like to concern ourselves with very important things - like researching all the ways in which Bees are incredible!!  We can actually learn alot from Bees - the way they work together, the way they only take what they need, and the how they are crucial to keeping our food chain alive.

Since we use natural Beeswax for our wraps, we like to know everything there is to know about it - here are some fascinating facts about our Bees and their wax - definately worth the research I think you'll agree! :

  1. Beeswax has the latin name cera alba, and is a natural wax produced by honey bees.
  2. The bee is the only social insect to be partially domesticated by humans.
  3. Beeswax is actually formed by eight wax-producing glands in the bodies of female worker bees who are 18 days old or less, who discard it in or at their hive.
  4. Bees make wax in their bodies, by eating honey. In order to make 450g of wax, a bee has to eat over 3kg of honey!!
  5. Hive worker bees collect wax and use it to make honeycomb cells in the hive, where all of their honey and baby bees are stored.
  6. Bees love blue and love cluster plants like lavender and rosemary.
  7. Beeswax has actually been used by humans since prehistory -  as the first plastic, as a lubricant and waterproofing agent, as a polish for wood and leather, for making candles and as an ingredient in cosmetics.
  8. Beeswax is food safe, because it is actually edible and is approved for food use in most countries.  It even has its own E number!!
  9. It’s estimated that one out of every three bites of food is made possible because of bees and their ability to pollinate crops.  Without them, we simply wouldn't have a food chain at all.
  10. There are over 20,000 different species of bee, found on every continent except Antarctica.
  11. Beeswax is harvested at the same time as raw honey. It is harvested in a way that does harm any bees, and the hive is quickly repaired by the bees.  However, it can only be harvested in small quantities at a time and lots of beehives are therefore required - creating natural demand for our honeybees.
  12. To produce 1kg of honey, a bee has to fly the equivalent of three times around the world in air miles!